Best Practices for Your Seasonal Business A Game Plan for Severe Cash Flow Problems Because of Seasonality Does your business make most of its money during the winter or summer months? Or does your business rely on Holiday seasons? If you struggle to manage your seasonal cash flow and pay your bills, Bankers Factoring has […]

Invoice factoring comes in many types with even more ways to utilize it and with cost structures just as varied and (some) complex.
Here is a repository of recent articles from Bankers Factoring on the best practices in A/R financing for entrepreneurs.
What is Freight Factoring?
Solving Cash Flow Issues with Bankers Trucking Factoring Is Bankers Factoring the Right Trucking Factoring Company for you? Trucks move 72% of US freight by weight, with over 97% of trucking companies operating fleets of less than 20 trucks. Thus, if you are an owner-operator with a small fleet, it is difficult to wait for […]
Invoice Factoring Companies: Is Working Locally Best Practice?
How to Choose a Local Accounts Receivable Factoring Company Does a Local Factor make a Difference? As the phone rings, you are greeted by a salesperson, and without skipping a beat, the salesperson casually asks, “Where are you located?” It is not a secret that oftentimes, companies prefer to deal with local businesses and organizations […]
Transportation and Trucking Invoice Factoring Pitfalls
Freight Invoice Factoring Hidden Problems Common Freight Factoring Mistakes that can Bankrupt You Costly Unethical Trucking Tactics The global invoice or Accounts Receivable Factoring market is a $3 trillion market in 2022. However, trucking companies seeking cash flow from slow-paying customers with extended payment terms need alternative financing solutions. Bankers Factoring is proud to be […]
Bad Debt Protection with Accounts Receivable Factoring
Reduce Business Bad Debt and Increase Cash Flow with A/R Factoring Credit Insurance versus Bad Debt Protection Bankers Factoring is not an insurance agency, so we cannot sell or offer credit insurance. However, by utilizing our own credit insurance policy, trade credit experience, and strong balance sheet, Bankers Factoring offers you bad debt protection through […]
Why Pay Factoring Broker Franchise Fees?
Of the 65% of Businesses that fail within the first three years. This failure is mostly due to Cash Flow Problems, Accounts Receivable Factoring. To avoid this business failure, Bankers Factoring can help. As a consultant, how would you like to help your fellow business owners? It is simple, earn a monthly commission and not […]
Understanding Non-Recourse Invoice Factoring
Off-Load Credit Risk to a Non-Recourse Factoring Company Non Recourse Factoring Fixes Cash Flow Issues Is your business struggling to pay its employees because of cash flow troubles? Over 30% of companies fail within two years because they lack working capital. However, most entrepreneurs and small businesses do not understand their options to obtain credit […]
How to Start and Finance a New Cleaning Company
Janitor Company Factoring for Start-Ups Financing for a Startup Janitorial Business How to Finance an Office Cleaning Business Are you looking for a low-cost business opportunity? One that can get you operating quickly and with few expenditures. The cleaning services industry is expected to pass $75 billion in sales and employ over three million individuals […]
Dollar General Vendor Financing
Invoice Factoring for Dollar General Purchase Orders Cash Flow Help for Dollar General Vendors This year Dollar General (DG) plans to open 1,100 stores and hire 15,000 employees as part of its strategic plan. There are many opportunities to sell products to DG. However, business owners who sell to Dollar General can’t wait up to […]